
I’m BSc graduate in Computer Science, I’m studying the MSc in Computer Science at University of Castilla-La Mancha. I’ve been in Bergen, Norway, for 1 year as exchange student studying at the University of Bergen where I took several courses at informatics faculty and social sciences faculty related to computer science. My interests in computer sciences are the computer networks,  Distributed Systems and the Free Software.

Currently I’m doing my Master Thesis «Distributed infrastructure for building Debian packages» at ARCO Research Lab.

«Distdeb» is the name of my Master Thesis: «Distributed Infrastructure for building Debian packages» in order to participate in the Free Software Academic competition.

Briefly, distdeb is a distributed system that uses all the available computers in a office environment to build Debian packages. The infrastructure has the same objetive than buildd has, but solving other different problem and with the aim of making the process of the installation and the setup much easier. This project is Free Software and all the code is licensed under the GPLv3 license.

If you are interested in learning a bit more about distdeb, please take a look of these pages: Why Distdeb? or ¿Por qué distdeb? I am at your disposal if you want to contact me through my e-mail or using this blog.

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